31st January 2010

Had a nice weekend visiting the folks for Greta's 60th b'day made it back to Great Horwood in record time!

Just watched "The Virtual Revolution" and was feeling guilty that I have not blogged for some time on anything Technical so here goes.

For the geeks, I have found a few interesting sites for any aspiring technical types ... ($8 a month gets you a full web 2.0 site) and the templates look awsome, I tried it after watching This Week in Tech as Leo has his blog there but it is much more.

Also check out http://www.vps.net where you can start your own compute cloud from $15 a month!! if you are feel you need more power you could try http://www.softlayer.com I've seen the demo of this in Prague and you can even self provision a NetScaler VPX :-) ok last but by no means least I found this for when you have built your virtual cloud across Ec2 and vps.net you can tie up all the monitoring with cloudkick :-) http://www.cloudkick.com


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