25th January 2011
For all you VDI heads out there, I had a quick peek at WhipTail Tech's SSD based SAN the XLR8r and it looks an interesting proposition the IOPS write figures seem impressive especially if you consider the 20-40 IOPS required to boot a virtual desktop if you combined it with a traditional SATA or SCSI SAN / NAS for file storage you could get the best of both worlds, there are two flavours a vdi and datacenter edition all in a 2U low energy consumption appliance, It would be good to benchmark it in my EMEA lab first but WhipTail are also Citrix Ready so someone must have beaten me to it already, for other musings and geek related stuff you can read more here http://andy-gravett.blogspot.com/ :-)
After getting a comment from my good friend Albert in the Netherlands http://www.fusionio.com/products/ also deserve a mention for @ 1,180,000 write IOPS on 5.12 TB NAND Flash card, I suppose it just depends on what form factor you want in your farm Blade's or Pizza Box's.